junior high camp

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July 22-27, 2019




July 22nd — 27th, 2019


Mt. Hope Bible Camp
Forbestown, California


Full week paid by 6/30 — $340
Full week paid after 6/30 — $360


God loves you. This is something we’ve learned as a Christian since we were young. We tell others, we memorize verses and sing songs about His love for us, but do we truly understand the depth of His love? Many times in our faith journey, God’s love may seem distant–we don’t experience it, we don’t feel moved by it, and sometimes, we struggle to believe it. This year, we will study the topic of God’s love, not merely so we understand what the Bible says about it, but so that we experience it personally, how real it is, and feel it in the depths of our hearts. This will lead to a radical transformation of how we see God and be changed because of His crazy love for us.


As the shepherd of Grace on Campus, Chris provides vision and oversight to the Bible Study, preaches weekly, and equips students for serving in the church and reaching the UCLA campus with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He studied Mass Communication and English at UCLA and then moved on to attend The Master’s Seminary. He has been married to his wife Linda since 2011, and together they have the joy of raising three spunky and rambunctious sons. It has been said of Chris that he is “trapped in the 90s” as evidenced by his love for polo shirts, Nike Air Force 1’s, Nintendo 64, and phrases like “fo’ sho’” and “you da man.” During his free time, Chris enjoys playing basketball, but it’s mainly for the cardio.



Finding Your Waze in Life

In life we may come across many forks in the road and need to decide which way to go. Some of these decisions can be small or trivial, some can affect those around us, while others can affect the course of our own lives. In making these decisions, we seek help from those we trust. We ask and pray to God to reveal His will for us in those situations. So how do we know His will for us? What about the times we feel like He is silent? Once we've made a decision, how do we know we are going the right way or if God wants us to go another? Come join us as we look into Scripture to help us understand God's will and how it guides us on this road called life

God’s Endgame

What's more intriguing than the end of the evil Thanos? Is there anyone with the power of immortality, an infinite being who can resurrect those turned to dust? Will there be an ultimate battle between good and evil? The end of the world was previewed 2000 years ago. Come find out about the Ultimate Avenger!


Missions: Far from Home

Jesus’ parting words to His disciples before ascending to Heaven was to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations." It's easy for us to live in our bubble and not think about the bigger world out there. How is the Gospel viewed by people in other countries? Is God calling me to become a missionary? Many times we envision someone living and sharing the Gospel in a far away, impoverished country, and in a hut with no running water! However, what if missions is closer to home than you think - even as close as your best friend, classmate, or neighbor?.

Identity War

These days, we have so many ways to tell the world about us, what’s our identity and all the details of our lives. It’s all about tweeting this, texting that, messaging her and snapchatting him. When the day is over, are our friends any closer to figuring out our true identity? Do we even understand our own identity? It’s no surprise if you answer no to these questions because everybody online tells you what your identity is: you should look like this celebrity or dress like this singer. In a world with thousands of options, it is confusing. Let’s gain some clarity by using the Bible as a guide to understand our purpose in this life and our real identity.


This Is Us

We go to church every Sunday. We love some parts of church, but not every part. We love some people at church, but not every person. We know the church is called the family of God, but sometimes, it just doesn't feel like family. Do you ever get the feeling that your experience at church isn't all it's supposed to be? This workshop will explore how to change your boring, empty, and disappointing church experience into one that is exciting, vibrant, and helpful to your spiritual life..

Uprooting Bitterness

We know from the Bible that bitterness is a sin. It is specifically singled out by God as a sin that we must put away in our daily lives, but it is really hard to overcome. In a time when it seems like ‘having beef’ with other people is acceptable and harmless, how does God really want us to deal with our saltiness when we're tempted to hold on to our resentment and anger? Come and see what the Bible has to say in helping us defeat and heal from our bitterness.




 The cost includes lodging and complete meals for the designated stay of the camper. No one is to attend camp without first being registered by his or her church. Please make checks payable to the church with which you are registered.


Junior High — have completed 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th grade.

What to bring: 

Sleeping bag, pillow, Bible, notebook, pen, personal articles, recreation clothes, tennis shoes, towel, flashlight, spending money. Temperatures during the morning and nights tend to be chilly, while days are warm. Personal audio devices, electronic games and pets are not permitted and may be confiscated by camp staff.

Camp Conduct and Dress: 

Every camper is expected to cooperate with and follow camp rules and guidelines given by the camp staff. Campers should dress neatly and modestly. We believe that our dress should be honoring to the Lord. Specific guidelines are as follows:

  • No clothing with inappropriate messages.

  • Clothing for ladies should be modest; short shorts, tube tops, and bare midriffs and not permitted. Tank tops should have straps at least 2" wide; no halter tops.

  • Swimsuits must be modest, one-piece suits.

  • Guys are to wear shirts at all times unless in the pool area. Swimsuits should be boxer-style trunks.



About Our Camps

The first Bible camp was held at Loma Mar, a Boy scout camp in 1957. It began as a ministry of Chinese Bible Church in Oakland and a way to get away from the hectic life in the city. In the early years the staff did the cooking and the campers did KP. As the camp grew it moved to Meteor Ranch at Clear Lake. As more churches were planted, the camps continued to grow. Other churches in San Francisco, Sacramento and Stockton also joined the camp program.

Today, about 450 junior and senior high school students from some 12-14 churches attend the weeklong camps resulting in the salvation and dedication of scores of precious young people. Over the years it moved from different locations, but it has held its camps at the Mt. Hope Bible camps over the past 40+ years.


see what we’ve done in past years